Monday, March 14, 2011
Join us for Desert Heat 2011 !!!
This year will include an almost 7 foot AMRAAM scale missile built by BASIS Tucson Charter School's RoboRocketry Club. They are excited about launching this big monster of theirs and also showcasing some of their scratch built designs that they worked hard on. Cal Miller will be flying a scratch built rocket that he designed to carry a video camera up on its flight. Too cool. can't wait to see the video. We will post some pictures and video here after the launch.
I will also be launching my ARCAS rocket that is almost scale size at 4.1" in diameter and is also about 7 feet tall. I will be launching the ARCAS for my NAR Level 2 High Power Rocketry certification. Wish me luck. It should be a good time.
Another big highlight will be The Arizona Rocketry Team's 1/2 scale SCUD missile that towers at about 20 feet tall. Powered by 5 rocket motors and producing more than 800 lbs of thrust. This will be the largest ever launched out of Tucson.
For more information on Desert Heat 2011 go to the following link:
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tow Truck to The Rescue - The Amish Edition
This is great. I know not rocketry related, but actually really cool.
And looks like a big ol' fuel truck no less.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
SpaceX successfully launches Falcon 9 with Dragon spacecraft!
Live SpacX webcast of Falcon 9 Launch!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Building a Checkered Flag Model's Rocket Rack
I will post a full review of the "build" with pictures, etc, when I get it done. You can also check out their press release on the EMRR site at
I believe they are even offering free shipping in the U.S. right now. You can contact Greg at Checkered Flag Models to find out.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Back to the blog!
Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway's 3rd and 4th Grade Rocketry Days
We launched hundreds of rockets with students at Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway in Tucson this year. We built multiple rockets with two 4th grade classes and one 3rd grade class. They really had a blast. We kept three 4-pad launch racks busy the whole time on launch days.
Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway's Rocketry Club
We started an official rocketry club at the school and had 14 members participating in the NARTREK Cadet Skills Program. It was very successful with all members at least finishing NARTREK Cadet Mercury Level and many finishing Gemini and Apollo. Alan Boldt pulled top honors by completing his Skylab Level certificate. His sister and a handful of other students are right on his heels.
I highly recommend mentoring some kids and getting them signed up for the NARTREK Cadet program. there are also some great incentives for joining the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) this year. (Make sure to mention that (Duane Boldt and sent you over there to join! I think we get some kind of credit...) NARTREK Cadet is for modelers under the age of 18. But don't worry, if you are barely over that, like me... :-) Then you can participate in the NARTREK program. I am currently finishing up the Gold Level in that program. And yes, I will do a post when I finish that.
It was also a busy year last year participating in the 2009 EMRR Challenge. We actually did well in the Design This Spaceship contest for 2009. The 2010 EMRR Challenge is under way, so head on over and check it out. Join some cool rocketry contests and win cool prizes.
I will be doing some more updates and go into more depth on some of the topics discussed above in some upcoming posts.
Talk to you real soon. Keep on the lookout for the new posts coming.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Brenda's finished NARTREK Cadet Gemini Level, December 5, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
RoboRocketry NARTREK Launch, X-15 and More July 25, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
RoboRocketry Launch July 16, 2009 Alan's Chinese Fire Arrow
Actually, it had a pretty straight liftoff and just did a loop or two after gaining a little altitude. Pretty cool little show after all. And the ejection charge at the end added to the drama.
Alan safely recovers his Chinese Fire Arrow.
The only damage was couple of missing feathers... Still ready for his next History of Rockets presentation.
Another first of that launch day was the first flight of RoboRocketryOne, which I later used for a NAR Level 1 HPR (High Power Rocketry) certification.
Alan prepares the fire arrow as I prepare the mid power 24mm RMS Monster Motor for the RR1 flight.
RoboRocketryOne sitting on Pad #3 ready for launch.
Another shot of RR1 before launch...
Great launch (Sorry no picture of that) and safe recovery. That was definately fun. Ready to go bigger next time... Closer to L1 cert...
The red ignitor retainer cap actually was burned through by the thrust and stayed on for the whole flight.
That caused the yellow Copper Head ignitor adapter to be carried with the rocket up a ways, but we did find it in the grass after the flight.
After a very satisfying launch day, back at the office cleaning up the Rouse-Tech Monster Motor casing.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
RoboRocketry Launch July 11-12, 2009
Brenda wasn't so happy with the Hawks temporary demise... Since then the glider has been repaired and should be flown again soon. Maybe over the coming weekend.
Brenda with RoboRocketryOne on the day of its maiden flight. It was a great flight except for the parachute not deploying fully, but no damage except for a couple tiny scrapes on the paint of one fin... It's ready for the Level 1 Cert flight!