Brenda Boldt completed her last two launches for her NARTREK Cadet Gemini Level. She used an Estes Wizard rocket with modified shock cord. She and her fellow club members at Sonoran Science Academy - Broadway's RoboRocketry Club, built the Wizard rockets in their club.

They replaced the stock "rubber band" shock cord with a Kevlar cord attached to a fin joint. This was done so that the rocket would descend more slowly, sideways, thus creating more drag and giving them longer descent times for streamer and parachute duration contest launches.

Brenda actually got some pretty good times with her Wizard. She made 79 seconds on an Estes A8-3 motor for parachute duration and 60 seconds on a Estes B6-4 motor for her streamer duration requirement. She had previously flown her Estes Cosmic Cobra for the HeliRoc option.